What is the Princeton Entrepreneurship Council?
PEC has the mission of engaging the Princeton entrepreneurial ecosystem through educational programming, mentoring and funding, in collaborative spaces. We work with many populations at Princeton University, including students, post-docs, faculty and staff, and most especially alumni.
PEC is also very active in helping to build the Central New Jersey regional entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, together with many government agencies, advocacy groups, colleges and universities, and other community organizations.
You can read more about PEC at our website at entrepreneurs.princeton.edu.
How can I get involved with the Princeton entrepreneurial ecosystem?
There are many ways! The best thing to do is contact us directly and we can connect you to the proper resource at Princeton:
Anne-Marie Maman ’84, Executive DirectorDon Seitz ’79, Assistant Director, Alumni Engagement
Lauren Bender, Princeton Alumni Entrepreneurs Fund Program Manager
Diane DeLorenzo, Event Coordinator
Wright Seneres, Social Media & Marketing Specialist
Neal Bituin, Technical Support Specialist
Is PEC part of the Keller Center?
We work closely with the Keller Center and share space with them at the Princeton Entrepreneurial Hub in downtown Princeton, but we are a separate department of the University.
For more about the Keller Center, visit their website at kellercenter.princeton.edu.
Is PEC part of Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs?
We work closely with PICb too, as Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs is Princeton University’s incubator and coworking space for biotech and life science companies. PICb is also separate from PEC but you will find us there often for events. BioLabs is contracted by the University to manage the facility.
Interested in bringing your high-growth startup to PICb? Visit princetonbiolabs.com.
Is PEC part of the E-Club?
We work closely with and sponsor the Princeton Entrepreneurship Club, but we are separate department of the University.
Check out all the great activities of the E-Club at princetoneclub.com.
What is a podcast?
A podcast is an audio story that you can listen to at any time, anywhere: on a computer, on your phone, or anywhere you have a connection to the Web. The vast majority of podcasts out there –including the Princeton Spark– are free!
You can find the Princeton Spark at Apple Podcasts, your favorite Android podcast app from the Google Play Store, or virtually anywhere you get your podcasts.
I still have more questions! Help!
Send us a note at sparkpod@princeton.edu and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!